Copying to Clipboard (Full Version)

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cap -> Copying to Clipboard (10/26/2005 10:56:28 AM)

An older version CC had a feature called "copy calendar." I used it to copy calendars then paste them in my word processing program where I could resize them to get 4 months on one page. My new version of CC (v.10) does not have this feature. I does allow me to create a .jpeg, bitmap, or HTML file. The problem I am having is the quality of these files. Not new the quality of the "copy calendar" version. Does anybody know if there is a way to copy a monthly clendar to the cipboard so it can be pasted into a word processing program?


Midge -> RE: Copying to Clipboard (10/26/2005 1:32:28 PM)

Hi cap,

As far as I can tell, there is no way to copy a CC 10 monthly calendar to the clipboard so it can be pasted into a word processing program. I had thought that a screen capture might work. But, the quality of the screen capture was just as bad as the quality of the .jpeg, bitmap.

If you have a scanner, I would suggest printing the calendar, scanning it, saving it in graphic file format, then Inserting the file into the word processing program.

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