Backgammon/Parchisi: different "luck" for different players (Full Version)

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drsst -> Backgammon/Parchisi: different "luck" for different players (12/16/2005 3:36:06 AM)

Does anyone else who plays the above games find that the algorhythm for rolling the dice seems a bit lopsided?
The number of doubles the opponent receives , for example, compared to mine, is WAY OUT OF BALANCE. They always seem to get the needed numbers exactly when needed AND I RARELY hit the correct needed number...???
Any suggestions? (besides "quit playing" LOL)

bcdobbs -> RE: Backgammon/Parchisi: different "luck" for different players (12/16/2005 3:14:06 PM)

What you are experiencing is true. I have noticed the same problem. What I have found is that different players have different "luck" with their rolls. Try paying attention to which players always beat you and play only with the ones that give you a fair chance.

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