print shop deluxe 21 Border Plus (Full Version)

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Allyson -> print shop deluxe 21 Border Plus (4/10/2006 11:53:14 AM)

When I try to add a border using "borders plus" it tiles many little images of the border around the edge of the page, instead of applying one border to the whole page. When I try to resize the border using border's plus it sections the page into 2 or 4 tiles. When you try to eliminate or resize the excess tiles the border disappears completely. What's with that?



lindarobin -> RE: print shop deluxe 21 borders troubleshooting (4/10/2006 4:16:02 PM)



When I try to add a border using "borders plus" it tiles many little images of the border around the edge of the page, instead of applying one border to the whole page.

That's what it is supposed to do - it creates ONE border which is made up of several tiles.


When I try to resize the border using border's plus it sections the page into 2 or 4 tiles. When you try to eliminate or resize the excess tiles the border disappears completely. What's with that?

You do not resize the border while in the BorderPlus workspace. To correctly resize the border, you must be back in the project workspace. Click on the border image and drag the corners out.

Within the BorderPlus workspace, you can change the symmetry (not the size) of the border, ie. make a side thicker or thinner.

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