'Clean' Install on Win98/Me/XP/2000/Vista/Win7 (Full Version)

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Brandy redux -> 'Clean' Install on Win98/Me/XP/2000/Vista/Win7 (6/3/2007 3:08:50 PM)

NOTE: Before installing ANY software on Win2000, WinXP, WinVista, or Windows 7, the user MUST be logged in to Windows® with Administrator rights (NOT with a Limited User Account).

If you don't know whether or not your normal account is an Administrator account, do this:
    A. If you don't know your user name, click on 'Start'. Then, look for your user name at the top or bottom of the Start menu.

    B. Go to 'Control Panel' then open 'User Accounts'.

    C. When the 'User Accounts' window opens, look under your user name. If you DO NOT see the word 'Administrator' under your user name, you SHOULD NOT attempt to install software - because ONLY Administrator accounts should install software on WinXP, Win2000, WinVista or Windows 7.

'Clean' Install for Win 98, WinMe, WinXP, WinVista & Windows 7:

    1. Close all programs, then return to the Windows® desktop.

    2. Click 'Start', then select 'Run'.

    On Vista & Windows 7, if you don't see a 'Run' option on the Start menu, just type msconfig then press 'Enter' and proceed to Step #5 below.

    3. Type msconfig in the 'Open': field.

    4. Click on the 'OK' button.

    5. When the 'System Configuration' window opens, click on the 'Startup' tab.

    6. Make a list of the Startup items that are checked - so that you can return to this customized configuration after the installation.

    7. Deselect all checked items on the 'Startup' tab.

    NOTE: Startup items should ALWAYS be temporarily disabled before ANY installation process is started - because 1) each Startup item is automatically started EVERY TIME the computer is started and 2) if those Startup items are not temporarily disabled, any one of those Startup items can cause an installation process to be corrupted.

    8. Click on the 'Apply' button.

    9. Click on the 'OK' button.

    10. Click on 'YES' when you are prompted to restart the computer.

    11. When the computer is restarted, be sure to log in as a user with Administrator privileges.

    12. When the 'System Configuration Utility' window appears, click on the box next to "Don't show this message or launch the System Configuration Utility when Windows starts" - to place a checkmark in that box. Then, click on OK.

    NOTE: If the 'System Configuration Utility' window does not appear, skip to Step #13 below.

    13. After the computer has restarted, check the systray (on the right-hand-side of the taskbar) to make sure that there are no anti-virus icons in that systray. If you find any anti-virus icons in the systray, right click on that icon then select CLOSE.

    14. Insert the Install CD or DVD into the proper drive.

NOTE: If you are installing a program that is on a DVD, you must insert that DVD into a DVD drive - because CD drives cannot read DVDs.

NOTE: When Broderbund & Hoyle software is installed on Vista & Windows 7, it can take several minutes for the installation process to start after you insert the DVD - even if you have User Account Control (UAC) turned OFF.

So, the quickest way to get the installation process started on a Vista or Windows 7 computer would be to go to Computer, right click on the Drive letter where the DVD is inserted, then click on OPEN. When the window opens, double-click on the Setup.exe file. However, it is very important to keep in mind that, with some computers, you might also have to wait several minutes for that process to start.

After installing the program, restore the previous system settings, as described below:
    1. Close all programs, then return to the Windows® desktop.

    2. Click 'Start', then select 'Run'.

    3. Type msconfig in the Open: field.

    4. Click on the 'OK' button.

    5. When the 'System Configuration' window opens, click on the 'Startup' tab.

    6. Refer to the list of items recorded previously, then check the box next to each item on the list.

    7. Click on the 'Apply' button.

    8. Click on the 'OK' button.

    9. Click on 'YES' when you are prompted to restart the computer.

'Clean' Install for Win 2000:

    1. Press and hold the CTRL and ALT keys, then tap the DELETE key once. A Windows® 2000 Security window should appear.

    2. Release all keys.

    3. Click the Task Manager button.

    4. In the Windows® Task Manager dialog box, select the Applications tab.

    5. Click once on an application in the list to select it. (If no applications are listed, skip to Step #8 and proceed.)

    6. Click End Task.

    7. Repeat Steps #5 and #6 until all applications are closed.

    8. With all applications closed, click File, then select Exit Task Manager.

    9. Insert the Install CD or DVD into the proper drive.

*** Unsupported 16-bit applications ***

If you encounter either of the messages described in this FAQ


while attempting to install a software application on a 64-bit Operating System, what that means is that the software's setup.exe file contains 16-bit programming code - which was commonly used in software applications which were originally designed when 16-bit processors were the norm. Since 64-bit Operating Systems cannot handle 16-bit programming code, it will not be possible to install that software on your 64-bit Operating System.

If you don't know which Operating System you are using, go to Control Panel, select System, then look for something which says either '32-bit Operating System' or '64-bit Operating System'. If you are using WinXP but you don't see any mention of either 32-bit or 64-bits, that would indicate that you are using a 32-bit Operating System.

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