Printing: Borderless printing and/or Adjusting margins (Full Version)

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Brandy redux -> Printing: Borderless printing and/or Adjusting margins (6/29/2007 9:45:09 PM)

Borderless Printing

First and foremost, if you want to print borderless you MUST use a printer that is capable of printing borderless. Many printers are not capable of printing borderless.

Even though borderless printers can print to the edge of the paper, most borderless printers will not print to the edge of the paper on all Paper Sizes or on all Paper Types. So, if your goal is to print borderless, you will want to check your printer's documentation to make sure it can print borderless on the Paper Size and Paper Type you are using.

Adjusting Margins

All printers (even borderless printers) have built-in unprintable margin areas. The size of the margins in many Broderbund programs is determined by the current margin settings for the selected printer. For some (but not all) projects, equal margins will be set on all four sides of the paper, based on the largest unprintable margin area for the selected printer. Margins will be displayed on the workspace as dotted lines. And, any text and/or graphics which is placed between the dotted line and the edge of the paper will not print.

Sometimes (especially with borderless printers) it is possible to adjust the unprintable margin areas. But, in Broderbund programs, this can only be done by going into the selected printer's Properties then activating whatever margin options are available for reducing the size of the margins. Common margin options are 'Minimize Margins', 'Printable Area', 'Borderfree', 'Borderless', etc.

If the dotted line margins on the workspace don't look correct, the first best course of action would be to check the printer's documentation to determine the exact size of the built-in unprintable margin areas for that printer.

The next best course of action would be to select 'File' in the menubar, then select 'Print' in the menu that drops down. When the 'Print' window opens, verify that both the correct Printer and the correct Paper Size is selected.

With some Broderbund programs, it is possible to correct a margin problem by resetting the Print Alignment.

    a. Select 'File' in the menubar, then select 'Print' in the menu that drops down.
    b. When the 'Print' window opens, click on the 'Advanced' button.
    c. When the 'Advanced Settings' window opens, click on the 'Print Alignment' button.
    d. When the 'Printer Alignment' window opens, click on the 'Reset' button.
    e. Click on the 'OK' button to return to the project.

NOTE: "Precision Print Alignment" doesn't have anything to do with margins. The only thing that "Precision Print Alignment" does is to move the project around on the page. So, if you were use the "Precision Print Alignment" to move a portion of the project into the unprintable margin area for the selected printer, that portion of the project would not print.

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