Brandy redux -> RE: How can I get a box with dashed lines (coupon)? (10/5/2007 1:06:16 PM)
As to making dashes thicker in Advanced Drawing, there is actually an option for doing that (drawing the box then clicking on the up arrow next to the box with the 1 - to the right of the dashed line selection). But, I experienced major problems when I tried that. When I selected 'Return to the Print Shop' in the File menu (after clicking on that up arrow), I wasn't returned to Print Shop. Instead, all that happened was that I heard a ding sound. So, I tried it again, and got the ding sound again. I didn't realize what was going on until I tried to close Advanced Drawing and Print Shop. Turned out there was a message displayed BEHIND both Advanced Drawing and Print Shop which said something about the dashed line becoming a solid line if I saved the drawing as a WMF, and did I want to save it as EMF to retain the dashed lines. When I closed everything and tried again, I got the ding again. But, I could not get to the message to select an option until I closed both Advanced Drawing and Print Shop. So, I closed everything and tried again. But, this time, I selected Save As in the File menu (instead of 'Return to the Print Shop'), got the same message, then saved the box as an EMF. But, then I discovered that Print Shop won't open EMF files. And, when I tried to open the EMF in another program then Copy/Paste to Print Shop, the box had solid lines. And, when I tried copying from Advanced Drawing and pasting to Print Shop, I got the solid lines again.