Mega Mahjongg: CD must be in drive (Full Version)

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Oldeyes -> Mega Mahjongg: CD must be in drive (7/8/2008 6:58:27 PM)

I just bought and installed Mega Mahjongg today. Installation went fine, but apparently this program will not run unless you keep the installation CD inserted in the CD Drive. Is this correct??? If so, Why??

Brandy redux -> RE: Mega Mahjongg: CD must be in drive (7/8/2008 7:47:27 PM)

Hi Oldeyes,

Many of Encore's older products require the CD to be in the drive - and the reason for that is, basically, copy protection (to prevent someone from illegally sharing the software with others).

Oldeyes -> RE: Mega Mahjongg: CD must be in drive (7/9/2008 10:47:45 AM)

Thank you!
Is there any way to know which of Encore's products require the CD to be in the drive, before you purchase the product?

Brandy redux -> RE: Mega Mahjongg: CD must be in drive (7/9/2008 12:06:39 PM)

Hi Oldeyes,

There is no way that I know of to determine which of Encore's products require the CD to be in the drive by just looking at the package. But, the 2008 Hoyle products require the CD to be in the drive only the first time the program is used. Once the CD is properly initialized, it is not required to be in the drive.

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