printshop 22 deluxe transparent background for logo (Full Version)

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davetanner -> printshop 22 deluxe transparent background for logo (11/17/2008 9:07:12 AM)

Can someone please help me, i am using printshop22 deluxe and ive designed a logo, I want to make background transparent, so that i can just have logo and not the white sqare behind it, as i need to be able to put this on newsletters and such, please help me, Dave Tanner

lindarobin -> RE: printshop 22 deluxe transparent background for logo (11/17/2008 9:34:11 AM)


ORIGINAL: davetanner
... I've designed a logo, I want to make background transparent...

Make sure your workspace background is transparent. Insert| Panel Effects| Panel Color and Texture| None.

Group the logo elements and with the group selected, File| Export As... and choose GIF.

(The most essential thing is to export just the graphic, not the entire project. This works even if your panel is not transparent.)

Since you intend to print it on other documents, you must choose a high resolution to make quality printing possible. Otherwise it is only suitable for a web image.

If you only intent to print it on documents made in Print Shop, I recommend you export it as a PMO (Broderbund Print Meta Object). The PMO has transparent background and if created with vector drawings, will not degrade when resizing it. The GIF is a raster image and will always degrade when resized. However, the GIF can be used on web pages and other applications such as Word or Excel.

davetanner -> RE: printshop 22 deluxe transparent background for logo (11/17/2008 7:55:01 PM)

Thank you Lindarobin for your response to my question...It does work , but I have a problem when im tryin to put the logo on my webpage, actually when I go to insert the logo which is now transparent background on the webpage, it tells me that the optimized images will lose all trasparent and other effects, so I guess no getting around this? Thanks again for your help, Dave

lindarobin -> RE: printshop 22 deluxe transparent background for logo (11/17/2008 8:43:37 PM)


ORIGINAL: davetanner
...when I go to insert the logo which is now transparent background on the webpage, it tells me that the optimized images will lose all trasparent and other effects...

What is "it"? Are you using a program to create your webpages? Normally, one just adds the IMG tag into the HTML.

davetanner -> RE: printshop 22 deluxe transparent background for logo (11/18/2008 7:13:39 AM)

Yes im using a website builder from online called very new to any of this so please bear with me, im tryin to learn as much and as quickly as possible, so i really have no idea of what an img tag is

lindarobin -> RE: printshop 22 deluxe transparent background for logo (11/18/2008 11:32:33 AM)


ORIGINAL: davetanner tells me that the optimized images will lose all trasparent and other effects, so I guess no getting around this?

If that is the limitation of your online website builder, I guess you have to live with it. It's a warning, but it may not necessarily apply to your GIF, so go ahead with it and see if it works out.

If Homestead's auto-optimizing messes with your GIF, you could optimize it yourself, i.e. resample the size down to the exact pixel dimensions you want displayed. Then you can upload it as "original" size and Homestead doesn't have to optimize it anymore.

lindarobin -> RE: printshop 22 deluxe transparent background for logo (11/18/2008 3:32:32 PM)


ORIGINAL: davetanner
Yes im using a website builder from online called homestead.

I may be able to provide more help if I could see your homepage with your logo as it currently displays there.

davetanner -> RE: printshop 22 deluxe transparent background for logo (11/19/2008 10:03:01 AM)

Thanks again Lindarobin your help is greatly appreciated !!!! Im still workin on the 1rst page but changing the size has worked and puttin it in gif also does wonders, to be honest im actually a carpenter by trade but work has slowed up for me quite a bit, My wife n I just recently bought a hair salon and so Im putting some effort n time since i have some now into promoting the salon and also fixin it up, I just want a non complicated web site that looks nice, its im really tryin my best but i know very little so thank you so much for all your help thus far, Dave

lindarobin -> RE: printshop 22 deluxe transparent background for logo (11/19/2008 11:11:08 AM)


ORIGINAL: davetanner
...I just want a non complicated web site that looks nice, its

Hi, Dave,

I see you've got your domain name, but as yet, it doesn't redirect to your homestead page. Not that it's a problem since your site is a work-in-progress.

If you don't mind me having a look, what is the URL to your homestead page? I was checking out Homestead, and they do have some very professional looking templates. The $4.99/month fee for web hosting of up to 5 pages is reasonable.

davetanner -> RE: printshop 22 deluxe transparent background for logo (11/19/2008 2:38:32 PM)

ahhhhh hi Linda
well the transparency worked for my fonts but i cant seem to get the image for logo to be transparent, even on printshop it always has a white sqare around it, i thought i had it, sorry....Ill post the logo even with white background so you can see it, the page does go to homestead when you enter the domain, it was redirected, anyway i try downsizin the image but still white background, im going crazy!!!!!

lindarobin -> RE: printshop 22 deluxe transparent background for logo (11/19/2008 4:44:31 PM)

Hi, Dave,

This is what I see when I click on your link:

Could you provide the www.homestead***** URL, please?

Also, upload your GIF here to the forum. I'll see if I can put a transparent background on it for you.

davetanner -> RE: printshop 22 deluxe transparent background for logo (11/19/2008 4:54:40 PM)

Hi Linda
im not sure why its not working, the homestead site is also im adding the logo

lindarobin -> RE: printshop 22 deluxe transparent background for logo (11/19/2008 7:33:32 PM)

Try this GIF. If it's too "jaggy", I'll need the PMO file to work with.


davetanner -> RE: printshop 22 deluxe transparent background for logo (11/19/2008 8:00:45 PM)

Thanks!! but please tell me how you did it?????? did you use print shop? I couldnt up;load the pmo file but i attached a jpeg? is that better then gif? Thank you sooooo much again for all your great help, Dave

lindarobin -> RE: printshop 22 deluxe transparent background for logo (11/19/2008 10:10:58 PM)

This forum will only accept JPG, GIF and TXT files... probably for security reasons. However, had it been necessary, I could receive your PMO file by e-mail.

I took your image and removed the white background using Adobe PhotoShop. Then I resampled it to the display size on your webpage (so it's already optimized). Could have done it in PrintShop, but PhotoShop has better tools for extracting backgrounds.

lindarobin -> RE: printshop 22 deluxe transparent background for logo (11/19/2008 11:02:14 PM)

Normally, one can make GIFs with transparent background with PrintShop. However, if the design gets too complicated, then the transparency can't be retained during the GIF rendering process. Now that I've seen your logo, I understand why your GIF didn't export with a transparent background.

You started with a raster image and applied a special effect. A rotation was next and then text art grouped with it. It was just too much for Print Shop. A photo-editing program such as Adobe PhotoShop or MS Digital Image Pro or Corel Paint Shop Pro would have done the job. Print Shop is primarily a desktop publishing program and it beats the aforementioned programs when it comes to desktop publishing.

As long as you saved your logo design as PMO, it will retain its transparent background whenever you use the PMO in a PrintShop project. PMO format is not supported in non-Broderbund applications.

davetanner -> RE: printshop 22 deluxe transparent background for logo (11/20/2008 2:29:08 PM)

hi Linda,
just wanted to say thank you so much for your help...I might look into buying adobe, but its a bit pricey

lindarobin -> RE: printshop 22 deluxe transparent background for logo (11/20/2008 3:10:50 PM)


ORIGINAL: davetanner
hi Linda,
just wanted to say thank you so much for your help...I might look into buying adobe, but its a bit pricey

You're welcome, Dave. Website design is my hobby... a natural extension of my job in desktop publishing. And you may have noticed that PrintShop, although primarily for desktop publishing, does have a webpage project that helps you create your own website. I mention this so that you have the option of doing your own site for free. Homestead charges web hosting fees monthly and that can add up. Since most ISPs offer their customers FREE web space (usually between 5 KB and 20 KB), you can create your site with PrintShop and upload your files to your free webspace!

While I think Homestead has some very nice looking templates, from what I could see, you can only create your site with their online tools, so if you ever decide to change web hosts, you lose your site files. That's how Homestead keeps their customers.

On another subject, check out these freeware programs, Irfanview and Gimp. I hear they're pretty powerful image-editing utilities, so no need to invest in expensive photo-editing programs with high learning curves, if Irfanview or Gimp does what you want.

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