Brandy redux -> Math Advantage 2006: 'Unable to Access Browser' or 'Configure browser correctly' (12/17/2009 3:46:54 PM)
Problem Error 'Unable to Access Browser' or 'Please configure browser correctly' Solution Our program does not require internet access; but, it does use your internet browser to display the program. This error may stem from not having a default browser configured properly within Windows. In order to get around this, please follow these steps. -From your Start Button, you should have a menu option named “Set Program Access and Defaults” (windows 2000/XP). Or, if you are unable to locate it there, go to your Start Button, then into the Control Panel, and then on the left hand side of the window that appears, choose “Set Program Access and Defaults”. -You will find a menu asking you to choose a configuration. Choose Microsoft Windows, then click OK at the bottom of the window. For Windows 9x Users: -Open Internet Explorer. -You should receive a warning response asking if you would like to make Internet Explorer your Default Internet Browser. Answer YES.