Brandy redux -> Installing and Using Print Shop 2.0 (1/28/2010 1:26:34 AM)
Installing Unlike earlier versions of Print Shop, Print Shop 2.0 does not offer any installation options (either Typical or Custom) - because no projects or graphics are installed on the hard drive. Instead, the installation process only requires you to agree to the End User License Agreement and confirm the destination folder of the installation. After Print Shop 2.0 is installed, a message will be displayed which says that the computer must be restarted to complete the installation. However, that message will appear before the registration window opens. So, it's a good idea to wait a few seconds for the registration window to open - so that you can complete the registration process before you restart the computer. Using The Print Shop 2.0 Splash Screen looks like this: [image]local://upfiles/10488/61ED6007BB244BFF8197519704302ED3.jpg[/image]