Creating .csv files in MSAccess (Full Version)

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bbodzin -> Creating .csv files in MSAccess (6/24/2010 4:02:06 PM)

How do I create a .csv file to use as input for my event list? My data is in MSAccess and I can't write it in .csv format. I am running Microsoft Office 2007 on Windows XP. Thanks.

Brandy redux -> RE: Creating .csv files in MSAccess (6/24/2010 4:24:32 PM)

Hi bbodzin,

Since the *.csv format is, actually, nothing more than a *.txt file with a different file extension, you would export the MSAccess file to *.txt format then rename the file with a *.csv extension.

1. Open the MSAccess file.

2. Click on the 'External Data' tab.

3. Click on 'Text File'.

4. Follow through with the steps for exporting the MSAccess file as a *.txt file.

5. After the *.txt file has been successfully exported, right click on the *.txt file, select 'Rename' in the menu that drops down, then change the extension to *.csv.

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