Printmaster Platinum 15: Can't Access Online Graphics (Full Version)

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n2syp -> Printmaster Platinum 15: Can't Access Online Graphics (8/3/2010 6:29:08 PM)

I just loaded the software on my new computer and tried to register it. The web site would not allow this which makes many of the supplied graphics unavailable. I also am unable to DL the latest updates or additional graphics.

Brandy redux -> RE: Printmaster Platinum 15: Can't Access Online Graphics (8/3/2010 6:52:03 PM)

Hi n3syp,

Since PrintMaster Platinum 15 is such an old program, it is no longer possible to either register the program or to access any online content. Only PrintMaster 17, 18 and 18.1 can still access online content.

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