lindarobin -> multipage booklet - page order (9/1/2010 12:07:53 AM)
ORIGINAL: KraftyDi Hi, I am president of a garden club, and this year I am doing the booklet with projects, etc. I got totally confused, doing it blank page by blank page only printing on 1/2 of page so I have the right size. When I stack them up in booklet form the pages do not come out right. What don't I see... I need about 20 pages. Neither PrintMaster not Print Shop can auto order the pages in a multi-page booklet, so here are the instructions to do it manually: Take 5 sheets of paper. Put into a stack and fold in half. There's your booklet. Write the page number on each page. If you did this correctly, your innermost sheet has 10, 11 on one side and 12, 9 on the other side. Your outermost sheet has 2, 19 on one side and 20, 1 on the other. These sheets that you've written the numbers on, tell you exactly how to set up your booklet project. Number the pages on the computer the same way your hand-numbered sheets appear. This means of course, that as you design your booklet, you will be "jumping backward and forward" throughout your project, but the end result will be that after you print the sheets and fold them, they will be in sequential order. This is a desktop publishing project of considerable difficulty for a beginner. It may be easier for you to do five separate booklet projects, one for each sheet. That way, you can better control the double-sided printing aspect. It also helps keep your file sizes managable. A 20 page project with several high-resolution photos can create such a large file size that it could crash your computer. If the crash corrupts the file, you lose the entire booklet project forever! Option: Do a multi-page newsletter project. Take the printed pages to a copy shop where they can scan in the pages and print it as a double-sided folded booklet in the correct order. The good commercial copiers have this capability.