Choosing starting label to print (Full Version)

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Message -> Choosing starting label to print (11/24/2010 8:02:40 AM)

If I am using shipping labels for packages and only want to print one label, e.g. the fourth label on the page, how do I choose that one label to print? Or if I am printing on a page with 80 labels but I only want to print the last 40, how do I choose?
Thank you,
Ann Brown

ellengard -> RE: Choosing starting label to print (11/24/2010 10:25:40 AM)


... only want to print one label, e.g. the fourth label on the page, how do I choose that one label to print? Or if I am printing on a page with 80 labels but I only want to print the last 40, how do I choose?

Unfortunately, this program does not offer that flexibility. The entire sheet is printed unless you delete the print job part way through.

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