This game was unable to setup the display for our needs (Full Version)

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Brandy redux -> This game was unable to setup the display for our needs (12/27/2010 3:42:59 PM)


This game was unable to setup the display for our needs.


That error message indicates that either your video card is not compatible with the Hoyle program or your video card driver is either outdated or corrupt.

Note: A screen resolution of '1024x768' is listed in the Minimum System Requirements for all 2009 and later Hoyle products. And, for that reason, netbooks which offer a maximum screen resolution of only 1024 x 600 are not compatible with 2009 and later Hoyle products. However, those netbooks should be completely compatible with the 2008/Classic Hoyle products, all of which can be successfully installed on even a 64-bit version of Windows 7, provided a 'clean' install is performed, exactly as described in this FAQ

If you can confirm that your video card offers a screen resolution of AT LEAST 1024x768, the next step would be to click on this link

then follow the directions in that FAQ for updating your video card driver.

If updating the video card driver does not solve the problem, you have 2 choices:

1. Click on the link below

then follow the directions in that FAQ for contacting Technical Support.

2. If you purchased the Hoyle product from a retail store within the last 90 days or from or within the last 30 days, click on the link below

to check out the Refund policy, which applies even to software that has already been opened and installed.

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