PM 2011 cannot print more than one copy (Full Version)

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RMCFADDEN -> PM 2011 cannot print more than one copy (2/25/2011 8:58:09 AM)

Included in the users manual it states no multiple page printing available without using an Epson printer. Is this true? If not, please tell me what the problem is. I cannot print multiple pages no matter what I or my husband try. Please help. I print flyers, invitations and need to be able to print sometimes up to 100 prints at a time.[:-]

Brandy redux -> RE: PM 2011 cannot print more than one copy (2/25/2011 12:07:10 PM)


When I searched the PrintMaster Platinum 2011 User Guide, I found statements which said this:

"PrintMaster provides extra options for Epson printers. Screen captures may show features that are not available on all printers."

"Type a number in the Copies box to print more than one copy of your project (Epson printers only)."

I am not able to determine what the Print screen looks like for non-Epson printers - because I only use Epson printers. But, the image below shows what I see on the Print screen. And, if you will look closely, you will see that there is a 'Number of Copies' box.

However, when I checked my 3 Epson printers - on WinXP, on a 64-bit version of Windows 7 and on a MacBookPro running Snow Leopard - I discovered that I was NOT able to print more than one copy with either of those printers and Operating Systems.

So, that would indicate that it might not be possible to print more than one copy of a PrintMaster Platinum 2011 project with any printer and on any Operating System. And, there is only one way to resolve the problem - use the 'Export' option in 'Share Project' to export each page of your project to either JPEG or PNG, then print those exported files with a program other than PrintMaster 2011.

Please do keep in mind that if you purchased PrintMaster Platinum 2011 from a retail store within the last 90 days, or from within the last 30 days, you are eligible for a refund - even after the software has been opened and installed. Please click on the link below

to view the Refund policy.


ellengard -> RE: PM 2011 cannot print more than one copy (2/25/2011 11:00:47 PM)


ORIGINAL: Brandy redux might not be possible to print more than one copy of a PrintMaster Platinum 2011 project with any printer and on any Operating System.

When I go to print, there is no option to print more than one copy. I am using Lexmark and Samsung printers. This is an unfortunate limitation of the program.

Brandy redux -> RE: PM 2.0 cannot print more than one copy (3/3/2011 12:23:43 PM)

I have determined that it is also not possible to print multiple copies of a project with PrintMaster 2.0. And, even with Epson printers on PrintMaster 2.0, there is no option for selecting more than one copy.

And, there is only one way to resolve the problem - use the 'Export' option in 'Share Project' to export each page of your project to either JPEG or PNG, then print those exported files with a program other than PrintMaster 2011.

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