PM 2.0 & PM 2011: No Address Book or Mail Merge (Full Version)

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Brandy redux -> PM 2.0 & PM 2011: No Address Book or Mail Merge (6/6/2011 12:17:23 PM)

Neither PrintMaster 2.0 nor PrintMaster 2011 include either an Address Book or a Mail Merge option. So, it is not possible to perform a mail merge with either Printmaster 2.0 or PrintMaster 2011.

It is possible to print different addresses on each label on a sheet. However, in order to do so, you must manually enter each individual address on each label.

Please do keep in mind that PrintMaster 2.0 and PrintMaster 2011 are not true upgrades of any previous version of PrintMaster. Instead, PrintMaster 2.0 and PrintMaster 2011 are completely redesigned and rewritten products which work in an entirely different manner than all earlier versions of PrintMaster. And, PrintMaster 2.0 and PrintMaster 2011 cannot open any projects which were created with any previous version of PrintMaster.

If you purchased PrintMaster 2.0 or PrintMaster 2011 from a retail store within the last 90 days or from or within the last 30 days, please click on this link

to check out the Refund Policy.

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