Create Custom Sticker in Printmaster (Full Version)

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tdworden -> Create Custom Sticker in Printmaster (8/1/2012 9:31:54 PM)

There is no definition for Avery sticker 8293. Attempted to create a custom sticker file, but I am not able to change the custom width of the sticker. It will not let me change the width from the default of 1.642. I can change all the other size parameters, but not the width. When I type 1.5 into the field it reverts immediately to 1.642.

Printmaster 2011 3.0.70

ellengard -> RE: Create Custom Sticker in Printmaster (8/1/2012 10:17:48 PM)

With both label projects and sticker projects, the minimum width will not go under 1.6. So Unfortunately, PM 2011 can't do 1.5"round stickers on Avery 8293 stock.

If you have Word, Avery offers a free 8293 template download for Word. You can create the graphic you want in PM 2011 and import that graphic into Word.

ellengard -> RE: Create Custom Sticker in Printmaster (8/1/2012 10:34:15 PM)

I just thought of a workaround solution. Since these round stickers have gaps between them, you could create a custom sticker project based on NO GAPS i.e. larger, rectangular stickers that when you put in a 1.5" circle dead-center, they align perfectly with the paper stock.

The new dimensions of the sticker is illustrated by the red rectangles (or squares if the h and v gaps are the same).
If I were to assume your stock has .5" gaps, then I would create a custom sticker 2.0" wide and tall, then enter 0 for the gap dimensions. Create your design in the center of the sticker template, within the boundaries of a 1.5" circle.

Deleted User -> [Deleted] (3/22/2018 4:29:21 AM)

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