JasonC -> "Works with Windows 8" Click here for the list from Encore and Broderbund websites (11/27/2012 12:59:15 PM)
Encore Software has created a section that is intended as a buying guide for purchasing products on Windows 8. Here is the list of titles that "Works on Windows 8" Encore's Website for Works on Windows 8 : http://www.encore.com/c-95-works-with-windows-8.aspx Broderbunds " Works with Windows 8 " section: http://www.broderbund.com/c-126-works-with-windows-8.aspx For all Hoyle Games : If you purchased Hoyle Games from a 3rd party site such as GameHouse, iWin, Wild Tangent, then technical /customer support is provided by the 3rd party vendor from where you had purchased your program. Functionality Support can still be obtained from these forums.