dant11002 -> Issues with Blackjack under "Card Games" (9/1/2013 4:29:52 PM)
Hey All, I have the following issues with BlackJack in Hoyle card game. Tech support could not resolve the issues and suggested checking with this forum. Please let me know if you can help. Issues: 1) when there is only one "real player" the program forces this player to seat in the second seat, More flexibility, specifically enabling the real player to be base 3 would be appreciated. 2) When playing with 2 real players the program often get stuck and does not allow the second real player to place a bet. 3) When playing with 3 real players the program often get stuck and does not allow the second or third player to place a bet. 4) The program just does not work with 4 real players. 5) This might have a solution, but I could not find it. I want to reset or completely change the amount of money available to players, however, the program insists on using their most recent bank-roll. Thanks for your help, Dan