finding the first page of a calendar (Full Version)

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KFKING -> finding the first page of a calendar (10/10/2013 11:42:51 AM)

I created a month calendar with the start date of 1/1/14 to 1/31/16. I want to change the font for all the birthday events, but I can't find the first page of the calendar on the left - it seems to go way back to pages with no months on top into before 2007, so pushing 'next period' back isn't getting me to the beginning.

Is there a way to search and find the first page of the calendar and go there directly?

when I tried making the change while on January 2014, it doesn't apply the font changes.

DEJenc3 -> RE: finding the first page of a calendar (10/10/2013 1:31:22 PM)

With Calendar Creator, there isn't really a start page for a calendar. It's a continuous, perpetual calendar, that will go backwards and forwards in years. If you have a repeating event, the start and stop dates are defined by the repeat properties of the event. Perhaps you can describe more of what you were trying to find, and maybe we can help.

As far as changing the font for events like a birthday: as long as the birthdays all are in the same category, such as "birthday," you can change the event category's properties. Go to the menu choice Events, select Categories, select the event Category that you'd like to change (such as Birthday), and click Event Properties. At the top you'll see where you can change the font, font size and other font characteristics.

ellengard -> RE: finding the first page of a calendar (10/10/2013 1:35:05 PM)

These calendar files have no "first" page. They are perpetual, both forwards and backwards. If anything, there is the current page and there is the chosen start page for printing purposes.

.....oops, typing the same time as you, David.

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