lwlopez1 -> RE: HELP!!!Can't print with Print Shop 3.5 (11/1/2021 7:38:44 PM)
I am about 7 years to late for this party, but I have the solution. Windows 10 version 21H1. Print Shop Pro 3.5.5. HP ENVY 7800. Open the program and you can use it and design and open older files. When you go to select to print, the application evaporates. Of all of the steps I took, the fix was delete all printers, including the printer you want (except leave the XPS, FAX, and PDF and other non-brand printer names alone.) Try to print after no printers are there and if it works, install the printer you need first and check, then add each of the other printers you might need and after each one, try it. One of the printers caused it, but I did not take the time to figure out which one. Other things I did was as follows: Delete all temp files in c:\windows\temp and give myself full permissions and Users Group permissions to that folder. Delete all files in my Temp folder c:\users\Admin\AppData\Local\Temp and give myself full permissions and Users Group permissions to that folder. The application now stays open when selecting printer and even more important, I can print too. Fixed. - miletx.com