Creating PNG files with 3.5 (Full Version)

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EmotionAnthony -> Creating PNG files with 3.5 (1/23/2014 9:00:05 AM)

I've used 2.0 for many years now, and just upgraded to 3.5. I can't believe the ability to create a .PNG file would be removed. Can you tell me how I can export a graphic with a transparent background so I can use it in my other programs (and so that my dev team can use it for website construction?) Some of the websites have textured backgrounds, so the graphics have to have transparency.

I must just be missing it. It's too fundamental a function to have been removed, I'm sure.

ellengard -> RE: Creating a .PNG file from PSPremium3.5 (1/23/2014 9:56:49 AM)

I agree. Exporting a graphic with transparent and semi-transparent areas, as a PNG, should be a feature in 3.5.

The workaround I use is to Save as HTML. All the images on the page are then automatically saved as PNGs in a newly created folder called Images.

EmotionAnthony -> RE: Creating a .PNG file from PSPremium3.5 (1/23/2014 9:58:42 AM)

Ellen, that's an awesome tip!

Thank you!

EmotionAnthony -> RE: Creating a .PNG file from PSPremium3.5 (1/23/2014 10:32:11 AM)

I tried it, but it's saving everything separately. Even grouped and locked objects are saved as individual pieces.

Any ideas?

ellengard -> RE: Creating a .PNG file from PSPremium3.5 (1/23/2014 1:25:24 PM)

Yeah, grouping/locking has no effect on the Save As HTML ... the program only sees the individual elements. The one pro is that several PNG graphics can be created all at once. If you need to "join" them, it will have to be done in a different program e.g. PhotoShop Elements, GIMP, etc.

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