Creating Greeting Cards (Full Version)

All Forums >> [Product Forums] >> [Productivity Software] >> PrintMaster 6.0 (released 2013)


tecovas -> Creating Greeting Cards (3/17/2014 3:21:53 PM)

I'm new to Printmaster v6. The older versions had a large library of greeting cards to select from and modify for personal use. This version seems to use templates. I am looking for a Congratulations for a new baby girl, but I don't find anything suitable. Can someone hold my hand through this? Is this going to be painful for me? Thanks, Teresa

ellengard -> RE: Creating Greeting Cards (3/17/2014 3:54:53 PM)

There are 92 baby cards, any of which you can modify for 'Congratulations on Your New Baby Girl'.

As well, you can search the ClipArt Gallery for 'baby'. There are 4830 related images you can choose from, to create your card from scratch.


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