Cannot Access Fonts (Full Version)

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ragonese -> Cannot Access Fonts (2/25/2015 9:55:02 AM)

Before buying this product I checked TPS_font_collection. Now I find that many of the fonts on the list are not available in this edition of Printshop.
What gives and is there a way to add fonts or download a fonts package? I'm new to the software and I'm confused on how to access them.
any help would be greatly appreciated!!!!!

ellengard -> RE: Cannot Access Fonts (2/25/2015 12:51:14 PM)

Are you referring to this product?

Those fonts are unique to this collection. If you really like them, you would buy them to add to the 600+ fonts that already come with The Print Shop 3.5.

However, if you are referring to all the fonts that came with an older version of The Print Shop, they are available to use in version 3.5. Fonts installed in the Windows Font Folder are available to the program, so just install any font into that Folder.

ellengard -> RE: Cannot Access Fonts (2/25/2015 12:54:02 PM)

If you are running Win 8.1 and you are not seeing your 600+ fonts, your solution can be found here:

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