Calendar Creator (Full Version)

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syostronoff01 -> Calendar Creator (12/1/2015 12:57:05 PM)

Does this version(12.1) operate as the old version(4.0)? I am specifically trying to find a calendar program that can show "yarzeit" dates. This is a function that can translate Jewish calendar dates to Gregorian calendar ones. This is used to commemorate the deaths of people according to Jewish tradition. The Hebrew calendar is different than others and the dates may be the same in the Hebrew one but not in the one we all use. Also does it know the Jewish holidays?
Can I import an old file from Calendar Creator 4.0?

DEJenc3 -> RE: Calendar Creator (12/1/2015 2:08:38 PM)

I have not used the earlier versions of Calendar Creator, but my guess is that there is no equivalent in the current version to the translation feature you describe. There is a Jewish event calendar (File, Import, Events, Jewish holidays.bcc), but I believe it's out of date.

See this note for help with calendars created in older versions of CC:

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