ellengard -> RE: Create place cards in PS23.1 Deluxe (12/8/2015 6:06:03 PM)
Depending on how many place cards you need to make, doing a label project with mail merging may be more trouble than just typing names directly onto a blank page project. On a blank page project, add 6 equal text boxes, (with centered and bottom aligned text). With this method, I can highlight and edit the names in each textbox, then print the page. Then highlight and edit those names and print again. Repeat until all names are done. [image]local://upfiles/9017/45B8F80F0AC049718FEE76CCF9957A2C.gif[/image] You can see that I need to move everything up a bit. Then when I cut and score and fold, the names will be centered below the fold.