Where are the templates? (Full Version)

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muse06 -> Where are the templates? (12/19/2015 8:18:14 PM)

I just purchased Printshop 4 Professional mainly because of the promise of more templates. When I tried to get Christmas cards it gave me 5 choices. When I sorted for anniversary cards it gave me 5 choices. What gives?

ellengard -> RE: Where are the templates? (12/19/2015 9:05:28 PM)

I guess it depends how you are doing your search?


muse06 -> RE: Where are the templates? (12/19/2015 11:20:40 PM)

I used the filters and was looking for quarter fold cards. The Printshop 23 had this many categories for Christmas cards and most would work with quarter fold. The choices in this new software seem extremely limited.

ellengard -> RE: Where are the templates? (12/20/2015 2:25:55 PM)

With literally tens of thousands of images, it's not often that I can't find what I need. Don't limit yourself to looking for only "finished" cards in a specific layout and category.

For example, if it's a quarter-fold card you want to make, look through the hundreds of quarter-fold layout thumbnails. Choose one that you like the way the elements have been arranged. Then go through the Clip Art gallery for Christmas images. So many hundreds of beautiful ones to choose from. Replace elements on the layout with your selected images from the Clip Art gallery.

You can create unique and beautiful cards that are simple to assemble because the positioning of the elements is already suggested by the ready-made template you picked.

I'll do an example later today.

ellengard -> RE: Where are the templates? (12/20/2015 4:12:33 PM)

Here's a cute quarter-fold card. I like the general layout.


ellengard -> RE: Where are the templates? (12/20/2015 4:15:49 PM)

Lots of Christmas clipart to choose from. The only thing that slowed me down was not being able to select multiple items at once. I swapped out the images and changed the background fill color with this result:


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