calendae creator 12.1 Windows 10 (Full Version)

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dickmsr -> calendae creator 12.1 Windows 10 (1/10/2016 7:19:03 PM)

Under the events listing, Im must have fifty different lists. How do I eliminate them?

ellengard -> RE: calendae creator 12.1 Windows 10 (1/10/2016 7:36:34 PM)

You previously posted in the American Greetings forum here:
The answer is the same. Delete the events as described or simply start a new calendar. New calendars start with no events.

dickmsr -> RE: calendae creator 12.1 Windows 10 (1/10/2016 8:09:21 PM)

I have three essentially the same calendar. I only need one. How do I merge them?

DEJenc3 -> RE: calendae creator 12.1 Windows 10 (1/10/2016 8:39:03 PM)

If the calendars are essentially the same, why would you want to merge them? You'd just get duplicate entries.

If you want to dedupe, that isn't possible from within Calendar Creator. You'd have to export events from all calendars, dedupe them with a spreadsheet, and import the results into a new calendar. There are enough drawbacks to that method that I wouldn't recommend it.

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