DEJenc3 -> RE: Version 10 calendar to Version 12.1 Migration (2/16/2016 2:09:54 PM)
We can try to help you here. I believe CC 12.1 can open a calendar created in CC 10 with minimal changes to it. Does the calendar you want to open have a .bcc extension? If so, try opening it (or better, open a copy of it) directly into CC 12. From the menu: File, Open Collection, browse to the location of the old calendar, select it and click Open. With luck, the calendar will open. If you see messages or errors, let us know what they are. If you see no messages, but do see your calendar, browse through it and sde that your events are present. You may have to do some reformatting of events or pages, depending on how complex or customized your older calendar was.