#10 envelopes not printing correctly (Full Version)

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denjiles -> #10 envelopes not printing correctly (3/21/2016 3:33:40 PM)

So, I have printing these envelopes down correctly, but it seems the number 10's size is not correct because it just doesn't print correctly. I am using the standard #10 envelopes, change all the paper to envelope before printing but its off!!! I tried to upload a photo but darn this forums just wouldnt do it!!! Any help would be appreciated.

denjiles -> RE: #10 envelopes not printing correctly (3/21/2016 4:23:49 PM)

Sorry, I am using Print Shop 3.5. If I do a downloaded design on a #10 it will not print all the way to the right edge. Stops printing about 1 1/2 from edge

ellengard -> RE: #10 envelopes not printing correctly (3/21/2016 8:52:52 PM)


ORIGINAL: denjiles
... design on a #10 it will not print all the way to the right edge. Stops printing about 1 1/2 from edge

Sounds like the trailing edge of the envelope has a large unprintable margin area. See if your printer settings allow you to make that margin area smaller. Otherwise, this is a limitation of your printer.

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