Importing events from MS Outlook calendar into Calendar Creator (Full Version)

All Forums >> [Product Forums] >> [Productivity Software] >> Calendar Creator (2016 Release)


dvpearson -> Importing events from MS Outlook calendar into Calendar Creator (11/29/2016 9:57:52 AM)

I have followed the instructions to import csv files. I go to Outlook and click on Export, then I select Export. Then I go to Calendar Creator and select Import. The data from Outlook never appears. What am I not doing correctly?

JasonC -> RE: Importing events from MS Outlook calendar into Calendar Creator (11/29/2016 1:19:35 PM)

Could you possibly provide the file you are trying to import and send it to my email? I'd like to take a look at this and see if I get the same behavior on my program. You can use the email button on these forums to send me a message and I will email you back requesting the file you are wishing to import.

ellengard -> RE: Importing events from MS Outlook calendar into Calendar Creator (11/29/2016 4:36:56 PM)


ORIGINAL: dvpearson
...The data from Outlook never appears. What am I not doing correctly?

The new csv file that you created from Outlook. Open it with a program like WordPad to make sure it is filled with your data.

JasonC -> RE: Importing events from MS Outlook calendar into Calendar Creator (12/2/2016 12:47:26 PM)

I downloaded a couple of test files off of the internet and I was able to see the data in both of them.

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