error message using Print Shop 4 Deluxe (Full Version)

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Kayway -> error message using Print Shop 4 Deluxe (12/31/2016 10:38:48 AM)

I receive this error message in trying to open Print Shop 4 Deluxe,_ There was a problem reading from the database Data Source=C\ProgramData\The Print Shop\The PrintShop\4.0Deluxe\master.psDb, and then it says SELECT aAsset From Assets WHERE a Type = 60 Limit 1;
Have followed the direction from the website and deleted file Data psDB, and still can't open program. Do not understand what the last line of the message means.

JasonC -> RE: error message using Print Shop 4 Deluxe (12/31/2016 12:06:39 PM)

Sorry to hear you're having problems. Unfortunately, our Technical Support department is closed until after the New Year holiday. You can submit a ticket here : in the mean time.

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