Setting up columns (Full Version)

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Susan Burmaster -> Setting up columns (2/13/2019 11:35:31 AM)

I try to set up columns in my mailer, but the lines are wavy. It looks unprofessional. The red guidelines don't help as when you arrow over to them, they don't print in the same place each time.
I wanted to know if there were tab buttons in 4.0 Professional, or is there any other way I can set up the information.

223 Good Street 2BR/2BA 1200 sq ft
433 Luck Street 3BR/2BA 3200 sq ft
933 hope street 2BR/2BA 1000 sq ft
606 work street 3BR/2BA 3000 sq ft

when I type in the text box the columns are wavy.

ellengard -> RE: Setting up columns (2/13/2019 4:22:21 PM)


ORIGINAL: Susan Burmaster
...The red guidelines don't help as when you arrow over to them, they don't print in the same place each time.

The guide lines will allow objects (shapes, clipart, photos, text BOXES) to snap to the lines so that they line up along a side. Guide lines are not for individual text letters; they are for text BOXES.


I wanted to know if there were tab buttons

Yes. Within a text box you can press the Tab key. This will LEFT align each word after the tab. If you need RIGHT alignment for a "column", use another text box and format it for right alignment.

Here is a screen snip to illustrate. At the top is an example of using tabs within a text box. Below shows three text boxes with their tops aligned to a guide. Each text box is right justified.


ellengard -> RE: Setting up columns (2/13/2019 4:31:17 PM)

Better yet, use a table. One of the newest features in this program.


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