PrintShop 4 printouts (Full Version)

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enoch -> PrintShop 4 printouts (4/24/2019 3:05:33 AM)


I am trying to save a business card in jpg format but am having problems in just creating a single image. When I do a print preview I get a printout of 10 pics of the business card. I found the custom stock settings and managed to print the card once, but when I went to save it I did not find a way to keep that setting so when I did another print preview I got the 10 card printouts coming up again.

I am planning on using my creation as a single biz card suitable for uploading to Vistaprint dot com.

I quite like my design and want to keep it for future use as well as Vistaprint.

Is there a really simple method to do the above short of printing out 10 images per sheet and taking them to a printing service locally?

I am not sure that I wrote the above correctly so I hope you can read between the lines and understand my needs??

Thank you,

Enoch :)

P.S. I am using PrintShop 4 on my laptop and PrintShop 5 on my desktop PC.

lindarobin -> RE: PrintShop 4 printouts (4/24/2019 11:44:36 AM)

To make a single high resolution JPG image for uploading to VistaPrint, create a custom size single page of 7" x 4". Do not use a business card template. Keep essential design elements well inside from the edges which will be treated as bleed margin and therefore trimmed off.

When you save at 300 dpi, you will actually have 600 dpi at 3.5" x 2" which you will need in order to have sharp image text. Ideally, VistaPrint would prefer a PDF with embedded fonts to ensure sharp printing of real text.

lindarobin -> RE: PrintShop 4 printouts (4/24/2019 4:23:11 PM)

Another option when using professional printing, is to use Print Shop to design your background and save it as JPG. Upload the JPG to a professional print service's design-your-own business card template. Then use that site's text tools to add your words. This guarantees the sharpest text even at the tiniest size.

Tiny image text is blurry when printed.


enoch -> RE: PrintShop 4 printouts (4/25/2019 6:52:35 PM)

Thanks Linda

Worked very nicely.


Enoch :=)

lindarobin -> RE: PrintShop 4 printouts (4/25/2019 7:28:12 PM)

Glad to know it worked [:)]

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