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Technical Support & Customer Service: Broderbund, Encore, Hoyle, Bicycle

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Technical Support & Customer Service: Broderbund, Encor... - 6/1/2007 11:36:24 PM   
Brandy redux

Posts: 2376
Joined: 2/7/2007
Status: offline
Customer Service is for problems related to orders, exchanges, rebates and returns. Customer Service does NOT provide support for either installation problems or functionality ('how-to' or 'how does it work') problems.

Technical Support is for problems related to installing/uninstalling, error messages or problems that are stopping you from running the program. Technical Support does not provide support for functionality ('how-to' or 'how does it work') problems.

Functionality Support ('how-to' or 'how does it work') is provided on the Encore forums. It is a place for users to share their knowledge with other users. It is not hosted by Encore employees.

Questions submitted to Customer Service or Technical Support are answered in the order they are received. Customer Service and Technical Support often experience a backlog, so you might not receive an answer for a few days. Please do not re-submit because this goes to the end of the queue and only increases the backlog.

Below are some questions you should answer about the product in order to get the fastest response:

1. Is the program installed or being installed on a desktop, laptop, or Netbook?

2. What is the complete title and version number of the program?

3. What Operating System are you using: (e.g. Windows XP, Windows Vista, Windows 7, or Macintosh OS 10.6)
4. Is it a 32-bit or 64-bit system?

5. Is this an English version of the operating system?

6. Describe in detail what you are attempting to do when the issue occurs.

7. Does this issue occur randomly or is it persistent on one specific spot?

8. If a window with an error message has opened, please copy and paste the contents of the error into the message

9. What troubleshooting steps have you tried to resolve the problem?

< Message edited by lindarobin -- 11/11/2019 7:39:54 PM >


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To contact me by email, please send your message to pine_97@yahoo.com
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