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Font issues - 3/1/2013 11:32:30 AM   


Posts: 4
Joined: 3/1/2013
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I am having an issue with font appearence in my calendar....I have created several text boxes on each page of the calendar that contain information. Every so often I will have an extra space in between letters or two of my letters will overlap each other.... Have no idea what is causing this problem and am running out of time to get this project done... If I make the text box larger, the spaces get larger ..... It looks fine as I am typing, but when I print you can see the spaces...almost like dropped letters....Any help would be so much appreciated


Post #: 1
RE: Font issues - 3/1/2013 11:42:36 AM   

Posts: 59
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Hi Colleen,

What version of CC are you using and what version of Windows are you in? What is the font you are using? I am under Windows XP - SP3 and the font I am using without any issue under CC 12 Deluxe is the Arial (Western) 10 point font.

Have you tried another font to make sure it is not the font that is corrupt?


(in reply to c2babs3)
Post #: 2
RE: Font issues - 3/1/2013 11:53:34 AM   

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I forgot to mention, my text boxes are often small like for "Pay Day" , etc. Have you tried to Print your Calendar as a PDF to see if the issue is with your printer drivers as well? If you cannot print to PDF, you can download and use a free program called PDFCreator http://www.pdfforge.org/pdfcreator.

From CC, click on File | Print | make sure you select PDFCreator in your drop down list once you have installed this program. This PDF program is totally free. Of course if you have the Adobe Acrobat program, you will see the Adobe PDF as print option.


(in reply to FixitMAD)
Post #: 3
RE: Font issues - 3/1/2013 4:17:20 PM   

Posts: 533
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Hello, Colleen,

Could you provide some details that might help to reproduce the problem?

For example:
The text used in the text box;
The font, font size, and any attributes;
Any special effects chosen;
The calendar layout chosen;
Whether there are any pictures with the text box.

If we can get the same result, maybe there's a solution or workaround.



(in reply to c2babs3)
Post #: 4
RE: Font issues - 3/1/2013 4:48:29 PM   

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ORIGINAL: c2babs3
...It looks fine as I am typing, but when I print you can see the spaces...almost like dropped letters.

If the text displays perfectly on your screen and the problem only shows up on your print out, I suspect you need to update/reinstall your printer driver.

See this article for more info.

< Message edited by ellengard -- 3/1/2013 4:55:20 PM >

(in reply to c2babs3)
Post #: 5
RE: Font issues - 3/2/2013 6:18:21 AM   


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Thanks everyone.....I am using Arial Western...font size between 6 and 8....CC12 Deluxe, bold print, no pictures in the boxes, I also had the same problem on another computer. I can see the spaces in CC when I print preview,but there are no spces in the print dialogue box as I am printing....when I close the box and the test appears on the calendar in the text box, that is when the spaces show up I have not saved to PDF, I have a problem when I do that, but I can save as a JPEG and you can clearly see the space

(in reply to ellengard)
Post #: 6
RE: Font issues - 3/2/2013 6:25:17 AM   


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I have tried to upload a page for viewing, I had to resize so it may be hard to see......But if you refer to the second text box....third paragraph down, the second sentence...the word problems....you can see what I am talking about.....Thanks again for everyones help....

Attachment (1)

(in reply to c2babs3)
Post #: 7
RE: Font issues - 3/2/2013 6:28:50 AM   


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Have tried several fonts, also turning off the bold...still running into the same problem in isolated areas....wierd, I can't figure out what is wrong. Maybe you guys can..

(in reply to c2babs3)
Post #: 8
RE: Font issues - 3/2/2013 7:08:02 AM   

Posts: 533
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Hello, Colleen,

I think I see your problem in the screen shot.

Are you referring to the paragraph that starts "Is there a social worker on staff..."?

In that paragraph, I see what appears to be a slight space in the word "problems" between p and r on line 2, but not in "problems" on line 3 of the paragraph.

I typed that paragraph into a text box in Calendar Creator 12 and could see that space.
I used: Arial (Western), size 8, italic, bold, left justified, word wrap on.

Then as I tried resizing the text box, I would see the "space" go away, or shift to a different word, like "precipitated." Could it be an issue with the "pr" combination?

I tried Arial Narrow (Western) 9, and didn't see the problem, so you might try attibute combinations with that font. You've tried other fonts, and may want to keep experimenting.

I tried creating a text box in Microsoft Word with the same text and attributes, and didn't see the issue there.

I can't explain it, but was able to reproduce it (if what I describe is what you see as the problem).



(in reply to c2babs3)
Post #: 9
RE: Font issues - 3/2/2013 11:57:01 AM   

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ORIGINAL: c2babs3
Have tried several fonts, also turning off the bold...still running into the same problem in isolated areas.

This cannot be fixed by doing anything in CC. It is a tech problem, most likely a less than 100% compatibility between your current printer driver and this program.

(in reply to c2babs3)
Post #: 10
RE: Font issues - 3/2/2013 5:53:32 PM   

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ORIGINAL: c2babs3
....when I close the box and the test appears on the calendar in the text box, that is when the spaces show up ... save as a JPEG and you can clearly see the space

I understood earlier that the problem only showed up when printing, not on the monitor. You are saying the unwanted spaces also appear as you type?

Since David says that he typed a paragraph in a text box and saw unwanted spaces and FixitMAD sees no problem when his text boxes are small, it's possible that the program is buggy when it comes to text boxes with a lot of content. A possible workaround would be to break up the content into many text boxes.

(in reply to c2babs3)
Post #: 11
RE: Font issues - 3/2/2013 7:33:20 PM   

Posts: 533
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Hi, ellengard,

I'm not sure if creating several small text boxes will improve the situation. I worked with just one text box, and only the one paragraph, and saw the issue.

Here are screen shots of what I did:
The upper paragraph has arrows pointing to the word "problems" in two places, with the apparent space, and "precipitated" showing "pr" circled as having no space issue.

The lower shot shows the same text box, resized, and the arrows point to where "problems" appears to be all right.

In both shots, the word "addict" appears to have a slight gap between "a" and "d".

I noticed that as I zoom in and out in Calendar Creator, the gap changes, and which words are affected changes.

When I printed the test calendar to pdf, the words looked ok, and they also look ok when printed to paper.

So, I may be seeing the opposite of what Colleen does, where the problem shows up in the editing stage on screen, but not in final output.

Attachment (1)



(in reply to ellengard)
Post #: 12
RE: Font issues - 3/3/2013 12:06:46 AM   

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When I printed the test calendar to pdf, the words looked ok, and they also look ok when printed to paper.

If the printed calendar comes out perfect, I could live with the video display problem. Usually an updated video driver will eliminate that.

I wonder if c2babs3's problem is exactly the same as yours. I am not sure that c2babs3 has actually printed the calendar. So maybe her calendar will print just fine and it's just a video display issue as you have describe here:

I noticed that as I zoom in and out in Calendar Creator, the gap changes, and which words are affected changes.

< Message edited by ellengard -- 3/3/2013 12:16:43 AM >

(in reply to DEJenc3)
Post #: 13
RE: Font issues - 3/3/2013 5:11:32 AM   

Posts: 533
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Hi, ellengard,

I wondered the same thing, if Colleen had actually printed the calendar, and went back to the original post where she said:


It looks fine as I am typing, but when I print you can see the spaces...almost like dropped letters.

It might be that with a lot of trial and error there's a font/size combination that would eliminate the issue. In trying to take the perspective of someone who would read the calendar, and not the one providing it, it seems mostly unobjectionable. I found the text in the sample that Colleen provided easy to read. I doubt that I'd have noticed this issue, and it's subtle enough that I had some difficulty even locating it.



(in reply to ellengard)
Post #: 14
RE: Font issues - 3/3/2013 7:49:57 AM   


Posts: 1692
Joined: 12/14/2005
From: Hayward, CA
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It should not be a printing problem by all means. But not just the print shop but other programs can have these issues with the text looking funny in one section and looking like a bold font in others. (The 2010 versions of Hoyle had the funny text look too where some texts looked fine and other areas it looked blurry.

< Message edited by TMLFAN4LIFE -- 3/3/2013 7:50:25 AM >


Jason Carver
Encore Sales Department and Customer Service
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(in reply to DEJenc3)
Post #: 15
RE: Font issues - 3/3/2013 2:47:22 PM   

Posts: 3253
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Hi David,

In her later posts, she says "print preview", so I now wonder if her first post was actually referring to going to print. That JPG looks like a screen shot, not a photo/scan of a printed calendar.

(in reply to DEJenc3)
Post #: 16
RE: Font issues - 3/3/2013 4:05:35 PM   

Posts: 3253
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Hi Colleen,

Have you printed the calendar? Your JPG looks like a screen capture which may indicate a video display issue, not a print issue.

If you are hesitant about wasting ink doing a test print, cover up the calendar with a white rectangle. We just need to know how the text on the left half of the page prints out.

(in reply to c2babs3)
Post #: 17
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