Midge -> RE: Text wrap around photos (3/24/2005 8:18:06 PM)
Yes Sherzel, After you put the text in the text box, you would click on the text box to make sure it is selected, then follow the directions that lindarobin posted earlier in this thread, especially the part about selecting the appropriate option from the Text Wrap area and selecting the appropriate option from the Options area. Those selections would be made on the Text Around Graphic window that pops up after you choose Text from the Format menu, then select Text Wrap. After you've made the selections and clicked on OK, you would then move the text box next to the graphic image. The text should automatically wrap around the graphic image based on the selections you made in the Text Wrap and Options area (i.e. Wrap text around the border of the graphic, Wrap text around the contours of the graphic, and Tight, Medium and Loose options for how close the text will wrap around the graphic). If you select the Text ignores the Graphic option in the Text Wrap area on the Text Around Graphic window, the text will not wrap around the graphic. When I tried Text Wrap, though, I did discover that the text would not wrap properly if the text box was layered over the graphic image. So, I had to right click on the text box, then select Layer then either Send to Back or Back One Layer.