Changing the dotted line margins in a project (Full Version)

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Poppa T -> Changing the dotted line margins in a project (5/16/2009 4:22:12 PM)

I am using Print Master Platinum 15, I know its old but so am I.
The problem I am having is I cannot change the size of the work area in 1/4 fold cards.
Can you please tell me how to increase or decrease the ruler size which I am hoping changes the dotted lines on the card increasing or decreasing the actual size of your work area.
Thank you

lindarobin -> RE: Changing the dotted line margins in a project (5/16/2009 5:43:24 PM)

The unprintable margins are set by your printer (not the PrintMaster program) so you have to go to your printer settings (look for advanced settings or additional options) to make the margins smaller. If you have a printer that has a borderless option, choose that.

For a lot of older printers, the margin you see is as small as it gets.

Poppa T -> RE: Changing the dotted line margins in a project (5/16/2009 6:20:10 PM)

Thank you lindarobin I have checked my printer settings and found a check box to minimise margins. I checked this box and just like magic my problem was fixed
Thank you, your a champion.

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