Update on 3.0.5 patch & Money Back Guarantee (Full Version)

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Brandy redux -> Update on 3.0.5 patch & Money Back Guarantee (12/28/2011 1:03:55 PM)


Since the Print Shop 3.0 Minimum System Requirements specifically states that a 1.5Mbps broadband or faster and Internet Service Provider account is required, what that means is that

Print Shop 3.0 is not designed to access the online content when the only internet connection is dial-up.

Please do keep in mind that Print Shop 3.0 is not a true upgrade of any previous version of Print Shop. Instead, Print Shop 3.0 is a completely redesigned product which works in an entirely different manner than all earlier versions of Print Shop - even Print Shop 2.0.

If you ever decide that Print Shop 3.0 does not suit your needs, you will most definitely want to keep in mind that if you purchased Print Shop 3.0 from a retail store within the last 90 days or from broderbund.com or encore.com within the last 30 days, you are eligible for a refund - even after the software has been opened and installed.

Please click on the link below


to check out the Refund Policy.

Brandy redux -> RE: Update on 3.0.5 patch & Money Back Guarantee (1/11/2012 11:17:25 AM)

The Print Shop 3.0.5 Update contains the following changes:

* Inserting a calendar into a ready-made calendar project no longer breaks the calendar functionality.

* Landscape projects loaded by The Print Shop 3.0 will no longer appear as portrait.

VERY Important Note:

The Landscape/Portrait problem is fixed in Print Shop 3.0.5 and Print Shop 3.0.6. However, when Print Preview is selected for Print Shop 3.0.5/3.0.6 Landscape projects, the Landscape project will be displayed incorrectly in Portrait orientation. And, if the project is printed from the Print Preview window, the project will print incorrectly in Portrait orientation. However, if the project is printed in the normal manner - by clicking on the 'Print' icon on the Print Shop 3.0 Home tab - the project should print correctly in Landscape orientation.

However, when the 'Save as PDF' option is used with projects which are created in Landscape orientation, the document will be saved in Landscape orientation; but, the text and graphics will be positioned incorrectly on the page. The recommended workaround for that problem is to install an alternate PDF driver, then 'Print to PDF' INSTEAD OF 'Save as PDF, as is described in the 'Save as PDF vs File | Print to PDF' pinned item which can be viewed by clicking on the link below


* Cut, Copy, Paste, Undo and Redo are all enabled and usable on all Print Shop objects.

* Users can now change from portrait to landscape in the landscape tab.

* Projects created in The Print Shop 2.0 Professional that had layers can now be edited in all versions of The Print Shop 3.0. (This also applies to some ready made templates which could not be edited.)

* Deleting an item out of the user gallery no longer causes a crash.

* Opening a project from the user gallery no longer adds a duplicate of that project to the user gallery.

* Editing the page numbering style no longer causes the program to crash.

* Adding holidays to calendar is now much quicker and prevents the program from reporting it is not responding.

* User Should now be able to post a project to Facebook.

* Reentering the image editor after cropping an image and Applying effects will no longer cause the image to shrink when the user exits the image editor.

Blank Projects

* Blank Calendars no longer cause the program to crash.

* Minimum size on the paper stock creation dialog was too large for some business card stocks, this has been corrected.

* Blank project creation now refreshes its preview window as the user changes selections.

* Ready-made template are now easier to read regardless of size. The tool tip will now contain the project name.

Printing Issues

* Users can now access the printer properties window from within the printing window.

Application Performance

* Memory Usage *

This update contains additional fixes for memory handling in The Print Shop 3.0 and dramatically upgrades product stability and overall performance.

Brandy redux -> RE: Update on 3.0.5 patch & Money Back Guarantee (1/30/2012 8:27:52 PM)

To get the latest The Print Shop 3.0.5 update, click the link that corresponds to your version:

Click on the link below for the Print Shop 3.0.5 Professional Update


Click on the link below for the the Print Shop 3.0.5 Deluxe Update


Click on the link below for the Print Shop 3.0.5 Standard Update


Brandy redux -> RE: Update on 3.0.5 patch & Money Back Guarantee (2/12/2012 4:38:20 PM)

The 3.0.5 patch can take several minutes to start after you double-click on the downloaded patch file. So, you will want to be prepared to wait before you attempt to install the patch.

If, during the 3.0.5 patch installation process, you receive an error message which says this:

"The upgrade patch cannot be installed by the Windows Installer service because the program to be upgraded may be missing, or the upgrade patch may update a different version of the program. Verify that the program to be upgraded exists on your computer and that you have the correct upgrade patch. "

and if you can confirm that you have the correct upgrade patch, your only option is to click on the link below


then follow the directions in that FAQ for contacting Technical Support.

If, after the 3.0.5 patch installation process, you receive an error message which says this:

"An internet connection is required to access the clip art and ready made projects. If an internet connection is available there may be a problem with the online server. We have been notified and we will do our best to get the content back online as soon as possible. Thank you for your patience. "

your only option is, once again, to click on the link below


then follow the directions in that FAQ for contacting Technical Support.

Please make special note of the fact that only functionality (how-to or how-does-it-work) support is provided on this forum for Print Shop 3.0. So, when any Technical problem is encountered with any version of Print Shop 3.0 (either before or after attempting to install a patch), your only option is to contact Technical Support.

Brandy redux -> RE: Update on 3.0.5 patch & Money Back Guarantee (7/24/2012 6:18:56 PM)

While there is a version of Print Shop 3.0, there is no difference between the version and the version. The version is being sold only because it is the most current release.

So, before you attempt to install the 3.0.5 patch, you will want to determine exactly which version of Print Shop 3.0 is currently installed on your computer - by doing this:

a. Click on the down arrow next to the word 'Help' in the upper right hand corner of the page.

b. When the menu drops down, select 'Preferences.

c. When the Preferences window opens, click on the 'About' tab.

d. Check the version number on the 'About' tab.

NOTE: Anyone who has purchased Print Shop 3.0 as a Download or Disk in Sleeve (excludes retail box) directly from Broderbund/Encore after November 30, 2011, has the most current version and should not attempt to install the 3.0.5 patch.

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