poppydum -> CC v12 - time reversal (4/17/2012 7:14:47 AM)
I am trying to prepare a simple calendar with daily times to be used for a volunteer schedule. The only times used are 8:00 AM, 9:30 AM, 11:30 AM, and 12:00 PM. The program allows me to type in these times with a name following it. However, when I take the document to Print Preview, print it, do anything - even change the day of the week my cursor is in, the times' order changes to 1130, 1200, 800, 930. I have tried every option known to man, start/end times, various event listings, all one entry. I've looked at a number of help forums online and tried all of their suggestions and nothing seems to work. Please help. This calendar is distributed to elderly volunteers who already have enough difficulty reading the small font of the calendar. The disordered times confuses them. Thank you so much and I look forward to hearing from someone. Please let me know if I can help with more detailed specifics.