printing numbers on tickets (Full Version)

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Message -> printing numbers on tickets (2/15/2013 9:09:03 AM)

Trying to print tickets using a template, eight on the same page, need to print ticket i-8 on the same page

ellengard -> RE: printing numbers on tickets (2/15/2013 8:42:27 PM)

If you are doing over 100 tickets or if you plan on printing address labels in the future, then it's worthwhile to learn how to mail merge. Video tutorials are here:

For making sequential tickets, your address book will contain sequential numbers instead of contact information. (You can generate a thousand sequential numbers in seconds using Excel, then import them into your address book.)

Got your email stating that you are doing more than 100 tickets. So you definitely want to do a mail merge with a LABEL project.

ellengard -> RE: printing numbers on tickets (2/16/2013 11:29:01 AM)

Here are some screen captures.

  • Create Address Book with sequential numbers. First Name and Last Name are required fields, so put your numbers there.
  • Create a label project. Perform mail merge steps. (See tutorials)
  • Print Preview shows address book info merged into label project.


lindarobin -> RE: printing numbers on tickets (2/16/2013 10:53:59 PM)

A text file of numbers from 0001 to 0500 can be downloaded from here:

Import it into an Address Book and use it to mail merge with your tickets project.

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