DEJenc3 -> RE: CC12 Phases of the the Moon update past 2010 (4/26/2019 11:28:43 AM)
Here's another tip for those testing importing phases of the moon into an existing .bcc calendar. Try this, but not on a calendar you want to keep: use a copy of a calendar. Delete/Remove any existing Phases of the Moon. You can use the Filter to identify them. Import the Phases of the Moon .bcc file supplied with CC12.2. See if any moon phase events show after February 2020. For example, go to March 2021. If the phases don't show, go to the Events view and locate the 4 imported Phases events. Again, you can use the Filter. Right-click one of the events, for example Full Moon. Look at the Category. On some of the calendars I've tested, although the Category is correct for Phases of the Moon in the Category's column display, the Properties displayed "Vacation" (even though the calendar contained no Vacation events). Now use the drop-down choices for Category: choose the correct category (Phases of the Moon). Even if the Category is already correct, select Phases of the Moon anyway. (This seems to be necessary for this to work.) Now see if there is a Full Moon displayed in March 2021 (on the 30th). The other phases won't display yet. At this point, you should see Full Moon phases from Feb. 2020 forward. If that is correct, you can change the other 3 Phase events in the same way. You can experiment with importing the CC12.1 patch to see current moon phases, though still leaving a gap in Jan-Feb. 2020. On the side of caution, I wouldn't save an existing calendar with these changes, or at least not without a backup, since this seems to be a buggy area.