Calendar Creator print size (Full Version)

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davidcaskey -> Calendar Creator print size (2/4/2014 6:24:37 AM)

The one major "lack" in Calendar Creator 12.1, ad one that is likely fatal to me, is the inability so far to put more than 3 events in a day without the print size shrinking into unreadability in the month view!
From what I can read, CC puts a 1/4" margin around each event item as it resizes them to fit in the day space. Even upping the font size in the event doesn't help, because CC shrinks the size to fit - at least in its definition!

Is there any way to make the events print bigger in the calendar? Shrink the margins? Or???


DEJenc3 -> RE: Calendar Creator print size (2/4/2014 12:53:18 PM)

This discussion shows various techniques for squeezing more information into a calendar:

There isn't a limit to 3 events within a single day cell. I have many days on my calendar with more than 3 events displaying.

If you want some events to print larger for readability, you can change the font for a single event or for categories of events.

Depending on how you use the calendars, if it's not necessary to have a full month view, you might be able to use a view that lists a smaller amount of time, for example 2 or 3 weeks. It may work better for readability. For busy times of the year, that's how I typically print my own calendars.

Ettie -> RE: Calendar Creator print size (2/4/2014 4:11:54 PM)

There is also a discussion here

which describes how to reduce the white margins around a calendar to allow the day cells to be displayed in a larger size.

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