lindarobin -> RE: Rotated Headline Prints Incorrectly (12/26/2020 2:54:48 PM)
I came up with a couple of workarounds. One had to do with exporting an unrotated headline to JPG, then making the background transparent in the image editor. I like this next method better: Open a new landscape project, choose the largest stock size available (24"x36"). Add your headline. Size it to the max width. Save as HTML. This will create a new Folder called image on your hard drive. This folder contains your headline image as a PNG with transparent background. Use this PNG on your project. It can be rotated as desired and will print fine because it is a PNG, not a headline object. [image]local://upfiles/72/5B2AB8BA4C6645E9AFF77E5060546B55.jpg[/image]