projects from Printshop 23 (Full Version)

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sbw102 -> projects from Printshop 23 (1/7/2021 7:33:23 AM)

Will the projects I created in Printshop 23 open in Printshop 6 or 5?
If so, will they work normally?

lindarobin -> RE: projects from Printshop 23 (1/7/2021 9:56:04 PM)

Yes and no. Not all projects will convert over. Some of the ones that will open will not look the same and will require editing.

This older post gives you more details. It was written when version 3.5 was current, but the information is still applicable.

If you still have an older computer running v23, export your projects (without text boxes) as high res JPGs, so that you have these graphics ready to use in any new graphics program.

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