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PM 18: Installing PrintMaster 18 & 18.1 on Window 7

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PM 18: Installing PrintMaster 18 & 18.1 on Window 7 - 11/16/2009 12:53:03 PM   
Brandy redux

Posts: 2376
Joined: 2/7/2007
Status: offline
The most important thing to keep in mind about installing PrintMaster 18 & 18.1 on any computer is that PrintMaster 18 & 18.1 require that .NET Framework 1.1 be installed on the hard drive before PrintMaster 18 & 18.1 is installed. (PrintMaster 18 & 18.1 cannot work with any other version of .NET Framework.) So, the first thing that the PrintMaster 18 & 18.1 installation process will look for is whether or not .NET Framework 1.1 is installed. If .NET Framework 1.1 is not installed, it will be installed from the PrintMaster 18 & 18.1 install disk before PrintMaster 18 is installed.

32-bit version of Windows 7:

When a ‘clean’ install is done of PrintMaster 18, exactly as described in this FAQ

'Clean' Install on Win98/Me/XP/2000/Vista/Win7

PrintMaster 18 & 18.1 should install on a 32-bit version of Windows 7 without incident.

64-bit version of Windows 7:

If .NET Framework 1.1 is already installed on the computer, PrintMaster 18 & 18.1 should install on a 64-bit version of Windows 7 without incident, provided a ‘clean’ install is performed, exactly as described in this FAQ

'Clean' Install on Win98/Me/XP/2000/Vista/Win7

If .NET Framework 1.1 is not already installed on the computer, the "Program Compatibility Assistant” in Windows 7 will display this message

To continue with the installation, select "Run Program". After .NET Framework 1.1 is installed, the necessary updates will be pulled from the Microsoft Windows Update Service.

If problems occur during the installation process - on any version of Windows 7 - it would be advisable to check out the suggestions in this FAQ

Troubleshooting Installation Problems

< Message edited by Brandy redux -- 2/9/2011 8:15:23 PM >


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To contact me by email, please send your message to pine_97@yahoo.com
Post #: 1
RE: Installing PrintMaster 18 on Window 7 - 3/28/2010 5:21:40 PM   
Brandy redux

Posts: 2376
Joined: 2/7/2007
Status: offline
NOTE: For PrintMaster 18 on any 64-bit Operating System, it is not possible to use the 'Save as PDF' option - because the Broderbund PDF Creator which is installed with PrintMaster 18 is not compatible with 64-bit Operating Systems.

The recommended option for creating PDF files with PrintMaster 18 and 18.1 on 64-bit Operating Systems is to click on the link below

Save as PDF vs File | Print to PDF

then follow the directions in that pinned item for 1) installing an alternate PDF driver then 2) using the Print to PDF option INSTEAD OF the 'Save as PDF' option.

For PrintMaster 18.1 on a 64-bit version of Windows 7, it is *sometimes* possible to tweak the Broderbund PDF Creator so that the 'Save as PDF' option will work as designed, by doing this:
    1. Open Devices and Printers from the Control Panel.

    2. Right click on Broderbund PDF Creator.

    3. Click on Printer Properties.

    4. View the Ports tab.

    5. Click on the Add Port… button.

    6. Highlight “Local Port” and click on the New Port… button (Not New Port Type…)

    7. Enter any name for the port.

    8. Restart Your Computer

    9. Return to the application.

    10. Save your project as a PDF.

    HOWEVER, it is very important to keep in mind that, if an older Broderbund/Encore program which also installs the Broderbund PDF driver is installed AFTER PM 18.1 is installed, the older PDF driver will overwrite the PM 18.1 PDF driver. And, when that happens, the PDF driver will no longer work in PM 18.1. So, as is stated above, the recommended option for creating PDF files with PrintMaster 18 and 18.1 on 64-bit Operating Systems is to click on the link below

    Save as PDF vs File | Print to PDF

    then follow the directions in that pinned item for 1) installing an alternate PDF driver then 2) using the Print to PDF option INSTEAD OF the 'Save as PDF' option.
NOTE: If you don't know whether your Windows 7 Operating System is 32-bit or 64-bit, go to Control Panel, select System, then look for something which says either '32-bit Operating System' or '64-bit Operating System'.

< Message edited by Brandy redux -- 5/30/2012 12:32:03 AM >


For More Help:
Click on the FAQ link at the top of this page
Then, click on the All FAQ's button on the next page

To contact me by email, please send your message to pine_97@yahoo.com

(in reply to Brandy redux)
Post #: 2
RE: How to install all disks - 6/6/2011 2:07:54 PM   
Brandy redux

Posts: 2376
Joined: 2/7/2007
Status: offline
The quickest and easiest way to install all of the disks is to choose the CUSTOM install option - NOT the default TYPICAL install option - when you initially install the program. During the Custom install process, you would select the "This feature, and all its subfeatures, will be installed on the local hard drive" option for EACH item on the Custom Setup window which shows a round CD image next to the item.

During the Custom install process, a window similar to the one below will be displayed. Even though the image below is for Print Shop, the selections you would make for a Custom install of PrintMaster would look pretty much the same as that Print Shop image.

For any option which has a round CD image in front of that option, click on the down arrow next to that option, then select "This feature, and all its subfeatures, will be installed on the local hard drive." This will cause the round CD image to be changed to a rectangular hard drive image. Repeat for each component which displays a round CD image.

< Message edited by Brandy redux -- 1/4/2012 9:46:42 PM >


For More Help:
Click on the FAQ link at the top of this page
Then, click on the All FAQ's button on the next page

To contact me by email, please send your message to pine_97@yahoo.com

(in reply to Brandy redux)
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