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Importing WMF Files

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Importing WMF Files - 10/5/2010 9:01:44 PM   


Posts: 1
Joined: 10/5/2010
Status: offline
I have Printmaster 2011 Gold. I am trying to use chore clip art that is in WMF format. Is it not compatible with the newer versions of Printmaster? When I try to open the files of art, it shows nothing there. However, if I look in the same folder with Microsoft word the graphics are there. So, I know the files aren't empty. What can I do to be able to use this clip art in my projects?

Please Help!
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RE: Importing WMF Files - 10/5/2010 10:02:59 PM   
Brandy redux

Posts: 2376
Joined: 2/7/2007
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Hi Karen,

PrintMaster 2011 is designed to import only the following image files - most of which are raster graphics

TIFF (*.tif, *.tiff)
Compuserve GIF (*.gif)
PhotoShop (*.psd)
MacPaint (*pntg, *.pnt, *.mac)
PICT File (*.pict, *.pic, *pct)
Targa (*tga, *targa)
Scalable Vector Graphics (*svg, *.svgz)

Your *.wmf files - which are vector graphics - are not displayed in the folder because *.wmf files cannot be directly imported into PrintMaster 2011.

One way to use your *.wmf graphics in PrintMaster 2011 would be to open them in Paint, 'Copy' them, then 'Paste' them into PrintMaster 2011.

Or, after they are opened in Paint, you could save them as *.tif. It would then be possible to import them into PrintMaster 2011.

< Message edited by Brandy redux -- 10/6/2010 2:15:24 AM >


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(in reply to tworiveras)
Post #: 2
RE: Importing WMF Files - 10/6/2010 10:13:10 AM   

Posts: 3253
Joined: 10/2/2006
Status: offline

ORIGINAL: tworiveras
...WMF format... if I look in the same folder with Microsoft word the graphics are there... What can I do to be able to use this clip art in my projects?

Since PM2011 does not support WMF, the workaround is to open WMF in another program that supports it as a scalable object. While Paint cannot scale a WMF, Microsoft Word can. So open it in Word, then drag the corner to make it really large. Copy/paste it into your PM project.

So even though you lose the scalability of the graphic, at least you get a less pixelated raster version of it.

Hopefully, it won't matter that the graphic also loses its transparent background.

You can insert a background graphic in Word, under the WMF, group them, scale the group and then copy/paste into PM2011 so that it blends into the background you are using.

< Message edited by ellengard -- 10/6/2010 10:26:55 AM >

(in reply to tworiveras)
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