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file size limit?

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file size limit? - 4/30/2014 12:25:34 AM   


Posts: 6
Joined: 4/28/2014
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I had 5 cropped pictures (I just wanted the faces), 1 clip art and 1 heading and that was fine. I added 1 more cropped picture and then it asked me if I wanted to save, so I did, and the program quit. My question is how much is too much? Should I be adding up all of the MB for each picture I use so that I don't go over the limit? Is there a picture limit (i.e. I had 5 pics, 1 clip art and 1 headline.

I'm going to be doing a yearbook in a few weeks and I will be doing multiple pictures on the same page.

By the way, I couldn't open up the project after I saved it because it said something about the file being nulll (I didn't write down the exact message). I had to do the page over again in a different way.

I don't know why there is a small limit for the project. Maybe they will increase the size limit in the next release.

I have a Win 7 Prof, 64 bit, service pack 1, print shop

< Message edited by lindarobin -- 8/12/2014 10:43:34 PM >
Post #: 1
RE: How much is too much - 4/30/2014 10:27:29 AM   

Posts: 3253
Joined: 10/2/2006
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I think there are a few components that affect the project's limit, not just strictly the file size.

  • number of items/layers
  • file size of items
  • number of special effects (imaging editing)

The program remembers all your editing so that you can revert back to the original image, so it doesn't take long for your project to become "big and complicated".

It really simplifies things and brings the file size way down, by importing "pre-edited" pictures, rather than editing the pictures within the project.

Here is the easy technique to do this:

When you import a photo into your photo gallery, don't immediately put the photo into your project. Hover over the thumbnail and click on Edit Copy. This opens the Image Editor. Edit your photo and save. The edited copy now appears in the photo gallery. Bring this copy into your project.

The edited copy is a "new original", much smaller with no "history" attached to it.

(in reply to PicturePerfect)
Post #: 2
RE: How much is too much - 4/30/2014 11:48:13 AM   


Posts: 6
Joined: 4/28/2014
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That makes sense so I checked the before and after sizes of my pictures to see how much of a savings I would get. I checked an original picture using the "Action" and "View Image Info" and took note of the file size (1416 pixel wide and 1064 pixels high). I cropped a circle around the face, Applied the crop and Saved the new image. I checked the new cropped image the same way I checked the original picture and the pixels were the same. Shouldn't they have been smaller? I thought that your comment meant that the newly saved image would be lower. Perhaps the images stay the same size (which is odd), but we don't have the "Save it in case they don't want it and want to revert back to the original" image.

(in reply to ellengard)
Post #: 3
RE: How much is too much - 4/30/2014 3:57:42 PM   

Posts: 3253
Joined: 10/2/2006
Status: offline
Sorry, my bad! I went back and did some testing and the edited copy DOES save its history, i.e. you can remove the crop when you pop the picture back into the image editor.

It seems the only benefit is that the edited copy imports to the project without being stretched to the original proportions of the photo.

So I will do some more experimenting and come up with a workaround solution.

(in reply to PicturePerfect)
Post #: 4
RE: How much is too much - 4/30/2014 5:28:30 PM   

Posts: 3253
Joined: 10/2/2006
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When a top-notch image-editing program such as Adobe Photo Shop, is in danger of crashing due to too many layers and special effects, the user merges/flattens layers and saves as a new file name.

The Print Shop does not have a merge/flatten feature, but there is a way to simulate it. As you come to a midpoint where things look perfect, export your project as highest resolution JPG. Save and close your project.

Open a NEW project. Import the JPG you just created. You can think of this as "flattening your previous layers". Continue building your project. When the project again approaches "the crash point", export the project as JPG. Save and close this project with a different name.

Repeat this process as needed. You will have editable Print Shop files in various stages of development, should you decide you want to redo some things without having to start over from scratch.

(in reply to PicturePerfect)
Post #: 5
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