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Changing Envelope Feed

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Changing Envelope Feed - 9/23/2015 3:26:11 PM   


Posts: 13
Joined: 9/23/2015
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I have used Print shop for many years but with a new laptop had to get a newer version and choosed 3.5.

I print tons of envelopes and have always been able to change the envelope feed in the print box. I can not find where I can change the feed in 3.5. Anyone know? THANKS
Post #: 1
RE: Changing Envelope Feed - 9/23/2015 4:04:51 PM   

Posts: 3253
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I thought most printers take envelopes only one way i.e. short side in. If there is a way to change it, it may be found by clicking Properties in the Print dialog box. Or you could go into Control Panel and set your printer default to whatever envelope feed you prefer.

(in reply to denjiles)
Post #: 2
RE: Changing Envelope Feed - 9/23/2015 4:56:10 PM   


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ORIGINAL: ellengard

I thought most printers take envelopes only one way i.e. short side in. If there is a way to change it, it may be found by clicking Properties in the Print dialog box. Or you could go into Control Panel and set your printer default to whatever envelope feed you prefer.

I have never seen any option in the Properties of any of my Epson printers for changing the paper feed for any project. Even though my Epson printers will normally require the envelope to be placed into the printer with short side in for #10 envelopes, the printer requires many smaller envelopes to be placed into the printer top edge first.

(in reply to ellengard)
Post #: 3
RE: Changing Envelope Feed - 9/23/2015 6:28:41 PM   


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The only reason why the earlier Broderbund products offered the envelope feed option was because the program expected the paper size for all envelope projects to be 8.5" x 11". Since all printers expect the project size to be the same size as the paper onto which the project will be printed, it was necessary for users to use the envelope feed to tell the program exactly where to position the envelope for printing.

Since Print Shop 3.5 (and most other software applications) expects the paper size for the envelope project to exactly match the size of the envelope onto which the project will be printed, there should be no need for an envelope feed option - unless you are not able to put the envelope into the printer in the same position that is shown in Print Preview.

(in reply to denjiles)
Post #: 4
RE: Changing Envelope Feed - 9/23/2015 7:45:25 PM   


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I have tried everything. I had to set up my older laptop with my older version just for envelopes. I have tried Envelopes with Landscape and portrait but cant get it to print with the envelope on the right side of my tray, short side first.

Attachment (1)

(in reply to denjiles)
Post #: 5
RE: Changing Envelope Feed - 9/23/2015 9:53:39 PM   

Posts: 3253
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I think part of the problem is that you are printing an envelope project on letter size paper, rather than on an envelope that matches the size of the envelope project. For test printing, use some paper cut down to size, so as to not waste your envelopes. During testing, do a design that has less graphics, to save on ink.

(in reply to denjiles)
Post #: 6
RE: Changing Envelope Feed - 9/23/2015 9:53:39 PM   


Posts: 24
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In order to properly diagnose your problem, please tell us 1) the exact size of the envelope you are trying to print, 2) the exact model of the printer you are using and 3) the exact position at which Print Shop 3.5 expects you to insert the envelope for printing.

< Message edited by Kirsten -- 9/23/2015 9:54:02 PM >

(in reply to denjiles)
Post #: 7
RE: Changing Envelope Feed - 9/23/2015 11:46:05 PM   

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Here is what works for me:

I create a new envelope project, single-sided landscape, #10 template. I add my design. I click on the Print icon. In the Print dialog box, I leave the Paper Size as "Letter", but I click the Properties button and choose #10 envelope. I put my #10 envelope into the printer, short side in. It comes out printed correctly.

(in reply to denjiles)
Post #: 8
RE: Changing Envelope Feed - 9/24/2015 6:15:54 AM   


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I am using a #10 Envelope, Epson Artisan 835 and inserting the envelope on the right side of the paper feed.

(in reply to ellengard)
Post #: 9
RE: Changing Envelope Feed - 9/24/2015 12:23:07 PM   

Posts: 3253
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Do you also do this?

In the Print dialog box, I leave the Paper Size as "Letter", but I click the Properties button and choose #10 envelope.

(in reply to denjiles)
Post #: 10
RE: Changing Envelope Feed - 9/24/2015 4:29:13 PM   


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Thank you......I tried your suggestion and it worked. I didnt have time to try a second time but will in the morning. I appreciate your help.

(in reply to ellengard)
Post #: 11
RE: Changing Envelope Feed - 9/24/2015 6:50:44 PM   

Posts: 3253
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You're welcome! I hope it is consistently working for you now. Generally speaking, a printer requires you to choose the paper stock that you are inserting into the feeder e.g. #10 envelope.

The OLD Print Shop actually needed us to NOT set the printer paper size to envelope. That was contrary to logic, which resulted in many people not getting their envelope projects to print correctly. You would not have realized that it was necessary to set your paper size to #10 envelope since you did not have to do it in your past experience with the old program.

(I am essentially saying what Kirsten said in post #4.)

< Message edited by ellengard -- 9/24/2015 6:57:47 PM >

(in reply to denjiles)
Post #: 12
RE: Changing Envelope Feed - 9/25/2015 8:16:02 AM   


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Yes, yes, YES!!!! It's working!!! THANKS so much for helping me figure this out. I had my old laptop out with the PS Version 12 (has a ton of CD's with it!) just to do my envelopes!!!

(in reply to ellengard)
Post #: 13
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